What can artificial intelligence do for you?

Artificial intelligence has long had a firm place in the control and automation of interactions between companies and their customers. Due to the high frequency of customer encounters, it is no longer possible for a real person to provide an immediate answer to every enquiry. Instead, intelligent ways are needed to guide and control customers. On the one hand, this means "help for self-help", i.e. ready-made answers - from FAQs, chatbots and expert systems. On the other hand, the pre-qualification of enquiries, i.e. the type of enquiry, which areas are affected, ultimately to find the best possible contact person in order to serve the concerns effectively and efficiently. Last but not least, the intelligent control of customer interactions, without direct human-to-human communication, via predefined scenarios to steer customers through the best possible customer journey and successfully convert them. 

The last point in particular needs preparatory work - it starts with the basic architecture, i.e. the construction of the digital touchpoints to enable a positive experience for interested parties and visitors. Building on this, interactions need to be managed proactively and prescriptively. In other words, what will people possibly do and what do we want them to do in the best case scenario. This is where the science of "artificial intelligence" comes in, as a sub-field of computer science. Essentially, we are still talking about decision trees that are triggered in the automations, but everything is conceivable up to neural networks and fully intelligent control - ChatGPT sends its regards.

Ultimately, the aim is to ideally process a database that the company holds (customer data, transactional data, etc.) and to utilise it on the basis of algorithms in such a way that, in the end, the control of interactions and automations can be carried out independently and self-learning.

But why all the effort? At the end of the day, it's all about efficiency and effectiveness. The battle to win new customers and retain existing ones is becoming increasingly fierce, and sometimes huge sums are spent on marketing and sales. A decisive adjustment screw is now how to maximise profit without raising the stakes immeasurably. 

The corresponding key figures for customer acquisition and retention already exist: Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). The aim is to minimise the bounce rate or, in the best case, to prevent it.

Customer Acquisition Cost: How much does a company have to spend in order for a prospect to become a customer and buy the company's products.

Customer lifetime value: How much turnover can typically be made with a customer for as long as this customer buys the company's products.

Machine Learning

Without artificial intelligence, there is no machine learning. Artificial intelligence uses data to derive decisions and predictions based on it; with machine learning (or the algorithms / models), intelligent systems can also use this data to learn from it. The machines, and thus artificial intelligence, are becoming "smarter".

Expert System

These systems can derive conclusions from existing data and rules and thus interpret the knowledge specifically to provide solutions. These systems can thus use artificial intelligence, among other things, to sometimes use the sequence of proposed solutions and constantly improve or adapt them.

Neural Networks

​Neural networks are essentially a special type of topology that attempts to imitate the way the human brain works and thus solve very complex tasks. A special feature is that a large number of nodes can work simultaneously on a task or subtasks through n:m networking.

Progressive profiling

Encourage interested parties to make initial contact with as few hurdles or inputs as possible. Using the example of newsletter registration, not to ask for too much data as mandatory fields. Based on this, the profile can be further enriched and built up (on the basis of this unique identification).

Shopping cart canceled

As the name already suggests, this is about reacting to a clear event. If the prospect has already put goods in his shopping cart, there must be drastic hurdles why the transaction does not happen. Therefore, it is one of the most important touchpoints to react to.

In Session Upsell

"Other customers also bought" or "Your product is particularly suitable" ... logical or predefined product links are used and suggested to customers in the purchase process. For the toy the necessary batteries, for the tool suitable spare parts and so on.

Lead Re-Engagement

The aim here is to convert known leads or previously interested parties into buyers through renewed advertising with coordinated personalized campaigns. The focus here is on "priming", i.e. keeping the brand in mind.

First-time buyer to regular customer

Regular customer here means the repeat buyer. The goal is to intelligently identify those buyers who are very likely to buy again. Here, AI lifecycle forecasts are used to target and encourage this target group on the day of a possible purchase (birthday, holiday, etc.).

Customer searches online - buys offline


This approach appeals to the play instinct in people, always higher and further. For example, segmentation of target groups is automated here by partly artificial intelligence and the customer is animated by repeated sales to receive exclusive benefits and gifts with each purchase.

Store opening

Price discount

Wohl einer der besten Trigger - nicht erst seit Vergleichsportalen und Preisalarmen. Fällt der Preis für das Wunschprodukt,  wirkt das teilsweise wie ein Rauschmittel. Rabatte wirken wir "Kokain"

New in stock

New registration

Delivery confirmation

Customer loyalty has an immense amount to do with communication. It is about transparency and the resulting trust between company and customer. To this end, it is now state-of-the-art to communicate the production process of the goods to the customer until they leave the ramp.


Warranty expiration

An angry customer is almost a lost customer. Service is extremely important, but it doesn't just mean service after the fact. Service in advance is just as important - why not point out necessary actions to a customer before the nuisance happens and the important warranty is voided!

Early Adopter Programm

Follow-up product


Every guest and likewise every friend - in the sense customer - would like to be greeted appreciatively. A hello or a warm welcome are the least form of appreciation and the least we can do for people. This belongs in the analog as well as in the digital world. Just because we are becoming more and more digital does not mean that we should no longer maintain etiquette in our dealings.

After purchase recommendation

Review Feedback

Happy Birthday

Who is not happy about a greeting card for birthday and in the best case still a small attention. Often looking for the occasion to address customers without a guilty conscience, the birthday is one of the few matters to which the address is always welcome.

Feedback request

"Well how was I?" Ask! Everyone has an opinion and in many cases is willing to share it to help. But make sure you offer multiple ways to provide feedback - not all people are the same and not all customers are the same - if you don't like to talk, you might be more likely to write a review.

Event invitation

With companies and customers, it's like in all partnerships - every long-term bond should be nurtured and so invitations are also part of good manners. How do you feel in real life when your good friend hosts a party without your presence? Invite at least regular customers to events and show how important these people are to you.

New product on the market

Consent Management

Transparency creates trust. Data is the new gold and trust is the currency. Data gives customers highly individualized shopping experiences, but it must be clear what one's most valuable asset, one's data, is being divulged for. If the customer retains full control and has trust, then a win-win situation is created for both the company and the (regular) customer.